Road Safety Survey
November 19 2021 - February 20 2022

The Road Safety Team are carrying out a School Travel Plan Review across all schools in the city by cluster. This piece of work will be carried out over the next 24 months. The aim of the review is to develop a 5 year action plan with parents, children and the schools to make the routes and streets surrounding the school safer and to encourage more active travel to school.
As temporary Spaces for People measures are in place (see above), the School Travel Plan Review for Edinburgh Steiner School is being prioritised. Early in the run, our school is in the 3rd batch, with the survey taking place over 19th November, 2021 – 10th January, 2022.
This will enable conversations to take place around the measures that have been introduced and establish what the school and parents would like to see introduced on a permanent basis; both in relation to the temporary measures at the school frontage and also on the wider routes to school i.e. a zebra crossing at 60 Spylaw Road where our School gates are, joining the School Streets Initiative and other traffic calming measures such as the enforcement of the 20 mph speed limit. It is hoped the responses to this survey will raise awareness of the School’s Campaign to Improve Road Safety at School Gates.
The Council will also be working with nearby schools using the same process to improve the wider area for children and staff.
The Survey will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete and is anonymous.
Pupils (Classes 5 and above) ESS Staff Parents/Carers
The Council Road Safety Survey was completed by over 200 of our school community.
One of the Pupil Survey questions asked ‘How do you usually travel to and from school? Taking into account some pupils take a blend of transport on either/both journeys, over 54% answered that they walk or cycle, 46% travel by public transport (bus or train); and of the 50% who go to or from school by car, 1 in 5 Park & Stride.
Pupils travel up to 29 miles each way. Of the 17% of pupils who only travel by car, over 80% travel three or more miles to school.
Pupil feedback on the temporary widened pedestrian area showed a majority vote for it to be retained (41.41%), whilst 28.91% considered this measure needed improved, and 18.75% would like it removed.
Sustrans’ Hands Up Scotland data, taken annually over the previous 14 years, shows an increase in cycling; and driving hasn’t increased.
You’re doing pretty well for sustainable travel, considering the distances some of your pupils are travelling!” Mark Symonds, Road Safety and Active Travel Liaison Officer, notes of the snapshot.
Analysis of the completed surveys above by Mr Symonds reveals the School has support for a crossing with some people also wanting the pavement permanently widened. The next step is now underway, setting up a group of committed parents, pupils and teachers to draft a Travel Plan that will outline the actions our school community would like to include, informed by the survey feedback above and the issues raised through the School’s Road Safety campaign.
Read on: Sustainable School Run Travel In Spite Of Distances (Tuesday Newsletter, 1st March, 2022)