Waldorf Window Of Opportunity For Wee Ones
April 16 2024

Crafting family culture: our bump to baby Groups offer a space where adults can begin to slow down, strengthen their sense of self, and raise reverence for the capacities of their insatiably curious wee child from a place of empowerment and authenticity.
Our Baby Groups are a coming together of families to share in a Steiner approach to family life.
UNICEF has long recognised the first 1,000 days from inception is a crucial window of opportunity for infants’ brains to form neural connections at a rate never to be repeated.
Following the international Steiner Waldorf model, this progressive pedagogy considers Birth – 7 years old of vital importance to a child, both in the moment and for the development of the healthy pupil, and later still, adult.
Waldorf education is reported to be the fastest-growing non-sectarian, independent educational movement in the world. According to data from 2022, Waldorf World list 1,928 kindergartens in more than seventy countries.
Before this milestone moment of independence, Baby Groups are an opportunity to dip a toe into exploring what makes our approach to early childhood education distinctive.
The gentle rhythm, which involves both adult and baby, helps to promote the bond between them; whilst the held space offers conversation and community.
Many babies move on to our Toddler Groups once they have reached walking age, and Seedlings at age 2. Waldorf babies are given priority on any waiting list for Seedlings admission, with applications accepted up to six months prior.
Baby Groups will commence this Friday, 19th April. Complementary taster session offered to new families: Book.
View gallery of images of our Baby Group here.
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