Toddlers Group
View photo gallery of Colinton Dell Toddler Group
Our adult & child sessions currently welcome toddlers with their parent, grandparent, carer or nanny (sibling also welcome), to share fun together in a friendly and relaxed environment in an indoor and outdoor location.

Monday Afternoon – Not in Use
12.30 - 2.30pm

Wednesday Morning
9.30am - 11.30am (Indoors)

Thursday Morning
10am - noon (Outdoors)
Toddler Hut – part of school grounds
Tuesday and Wednesday Groups are in our traditional Toddler Hut on campus, which incorporates an enclosed small garden. Monday and Thursday Groups move inside in the second half of the term.
Activities such as baking organic bread and biscuits, arts and crafts or preparing for a seasonal festival are as much for the adults as they are for the children. There is a dedicated garden and sandpit for outdoor play as well as the carefully maintained grounds of the wider Edinburgh Steiner School for longer walks and exploration. A healthy, organic snack is provided.
Colinton Dell
In the warmer months, this location gives us the chance to enjoy the wonder and awe of our natural surroundings at Colinton Dell, with a woodland walk and time spent on the riverbank. (View Colinton Dell Toddler Group). The name of Colinton comes from the Gaelic Baile Cholgain, meaning ‘village in the woods’.
Bookings are made termly. Families who would like to start on a date after the Group begins are welcome to join if there is availability to do so. This can be done from the drop down menu on the online School Shop.
We will provide freshly baked bread, sliced apples and craft materials. (Each family will need to bring their own blanket/mat to sit on, mug, bowl and tea). Each session costs £8.00 per family, payable in half-termly blocks. All the sessions will comprise a walk, seasonal craft, snack and circle time (seasonal songs, verses and story).
Early Years Journey
Many of the children who enjoy Toddler Group move on to the School’s Seedlings Playgroup (age 2+) or Kindergarten (3.5 – 6 years old).
All parents of children aged 3 and 4 (as well as eligible 2 year olds) living in Scotland can meet the costs of up to 30 hours a week in either of these unhurried yet busy Steiner Waldorf settings through their 1,140 Hours Early Years and Childcare (ELC) funding.