ESS Car Share Programme
A survey of the school role in 2022 showed pupils travel from a quarter of a mile to almost 60 miles to get to school and back, coming from almost every Edinburgh postcode and further afield. Enrolled families who are interested in car sharing with another Steiner Waldorf family, and would be happy for the School to link those who live within the same postcode, can make a request to the School to join the programme. Interested postcodes will be added below:
EH17 7PR
EH42 1QZ

Graph of Edinburgh Steiner pupils postcode plots by Edinburgh Council’s Transport Department, following the completion of the Road Safety Survey in January 2022.
The recent Council Road Safety Survey asked pupils from Class 5 upwards: ‘How do you usually travel to and from school? Taking into account some pupils take a blend of transport on either/both journeys, over 54% answered that they walk or cycle, 46% travel by public transport (bus or train); and of the 50% who go to or from school by car, 1 in 5 Park & Stride.
Pupils travel up to 29 miles each way. Of the 17% of pupils who only travel by car, over 80% travel three or more miles to school. Car sharing helps to reduce our collective school-run carbon footprint.
Alternative ways to travel to and from school
Public Transport: All pupils are eligible to travel free on Lothian Buses (No 10, 27, 38 and 45 stop very close to the campus; whilst numbers 11, 15, 16 stop in Bruntsfield, which is a short walk away).
Cycle: Our school is also on the National Cycle Network 754 along the Union Canal, a stone’s throw from the School’s back gate. Our School offers Bikeability Levels 1 – 3 as an Extra Curricular Club.
Read on: ‘Sustainable School Run Travel In Spite Of Distances‘

Map above shows number of families with an enrolled child or children at ESS by EH postcode (February, 2022).