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Spring end-of-term Assembly

Classes 1 – 3 traditionally take part in the Easter Procession as part of the School’s Easter Festival on the last day of term before the Easter holidays.


Due to limited space there will only be space for the parents of Classes 1 – 3*, and limited to one place per child.


In Holland and some parts of Germany on Palm Sunday children make palm sticks and walk with them in a procession. This celebration recalls the entry to Jerusalem, when the people waved palm leaves to greet Jesus.


It uses the ancient symbol of the cross. This combines the vertical line symbolising Humanity coming from the spiritual realm to take its place on the Earth, and the horizontal line symbolising Humanity reaching out to work upon and with the earth.


For our celebration we have traditionally used the cross as a basis, where the children make palm sticks in school. They will then walk in a procession with them during our Easter festival .


Those Class 1 – 3 parents who would like to attend, please contact the School Office for a ticket: 0131 337 3410 office@edinburghsteinerschool.org.uk