Special Easter Assembly
April 12 2020

Stream Easter Online Assembly HERE
William Sutcliffe reads from one of his much-loved children’s books.
‘Bear Necessities’ brass instrument rendition by Jazz trumpeter, Colin Steele
39 Steps: A live radio play – filmed extract from Class 8’s stage production.
Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Landslide’ sung by singer-songwriter Clare Martin (alumna)
Scott Wilson (Class 6) plays winning Edinburgh Competition Festival clarinet piece ‘Witches Dance’ by Ernst Kullak’
Music piece written and played by Emma Scott (alumna) for SQA Higher Music
Soul-funk-jazz artists, JBiA, with Edward Miller (alumnus) on vocals.
Lewis Baldock (Class 12) Nocturne in G minor by Fryderyk Chopin
BROAR brother Jamie on bagpipes with ‘Kelsey’s Wee Reel’
Class 8 perform Quoting Shakespeare by Bernard Levin
– A tune from a French Medley by Euan McKenzie (C9) on street organ he made for Class 8 project.
– Kitty Vickers (alumna) plays ‘The Headlands’, ‘Captain Campbell’ and ‘The Laird of Drumblair’ on the fiddle
– Sally Tsang plays ‘Romanian Folk Dances 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6 by Béla Bartók’ on the violin
– Carnaval Brasileiro on the harp by Heidi Dunwoody (former pupil, Class 4)
– Class 2 pupils Aela McGregor, Rosa Fusseis & Miya Miller perform french children’s song ‘Alouetta’
Meadows Chamber Orchestra – rehearsed in our hall
Our School Hall & Theatre: 40th Anniversary
To read more about festive assemblies at Edinburgh Steiner School, read: First ever online assembly to be held amid Coronavirus pandemic.