Martinmas Lantern Walk (Classes 1 – 3 with Classes 5 & 12)
Mon November 11, 2024
4pm - 5pm

Steiner Schools across the world celebrate Martinmas with the Lantern Walk and story about St Martin. This special event takes place just after dusk.
All pupils meet their Class Teacher in their classroom at 4pm to hear a story. They will then join the warmly invited parents / carers and siblings of each pupil in the school grounds at 4.30pm for the lantern procession.
Please let your Class Teacher know directly if your child will be attending.
As the classes finish at 3.15pm it will not be possible for all families to return home after school. There are a limited number of wraparound spaces, which will be available to those who do not usually use this service. This will be available on a first come basis.
Book After School Club here: here
Traditionally Class 5 parents and pupils provide warm herbal tea / juice and homemade biscuits to Classes 1 – 3 pupils after the walk. Parents and carers, so as to make sure all children get a refreshment please note this is for the children only.
The Meaning Of Martinmas
Throughout the year, our school celebrates festivals to connect us with the cycle of nature, establish a yearly rhythm for the children, and strengthen our community. The School celebrates Martinmas festival on Monday 11th November. It honours, in a universal way, the story of St. Martin.
When the days become shorter, the sun goes down earlier and the stars appear early in the skies, the children, according to an old custom, would walk with lanterns through the streets in the early evening, singing.
As the world grows darker, the inner light of man wants to shine forth. It is not incidental that the lanterns are often decorated with suns, moons and stars, motifs which also appear in the songs. Classes 1 – 3 begin to prepare for the festival, learning the songs and creating their vessel of light – from paper mache, upcycling glass jars and tin cans, and folding watercolour paintings.

Pupils make a lantern during the school day, using a different design from one year to the next.
They return to the school campus as dusk sets in on Friday 10th November. Classes 1 – 3 first hear a story from their teacher in their respective classrooms, whilst Class 5 prepare the warming snacks.

Pupils gather with their classmates to light their lanterns and hear a story told by their Teacher, before going outside for the Lantern Walk.
The children will then carry their beautiful naked flame around the darkened school grounds in a lantern procession, singing the Martinmas songs, before forming a circle around the lawn to observe a tableau of St Martin helping a stranger in need, performed by the Class 12 pupils.

St. Martin, patron saint of beggars and outcasts, is traditionally played by a Class 12 pupil. St. Martin was known for his gentleness and his ability to bring warmth and light to those in need.
From France comes the legend of St. Martin who, as a young man, passed under an archway in the city of Amiens and discovered a poor beggar huddled there. The man was nearly naked, shivering with cold and had received no alms to assist him.
On seeing him, the young Martin took his own cape from his shoulders, tore the garment in half and covered the poor man to warm him. The following night, Martin had a dream in which he saw Christ wearing this same piece of his cape. The experience confirmed in him his devotion to all mankind regardless of their station in life.

Pupils from Classes 1 – 3 children join together for the Lantern Walk around the school campus.
This celebration is typically also a way that children are able to mark their own growth. Class 5 pupils, some of whom having attended the festival for up to six years in a row, mark their growing maturity as they move up the School by being the helpers: preparing and giving the younger Classes biscuits and herbal tea afterwards. (Class 4 families are busy preparing for the upcoming Christmas Market). Each year, it is the final year pupils who perform the Martinmas story.
Gathering after the lantern procession is a fondly remembered tradition in this celebration that we invite each individual to continue with the recipes that you could enjoy at home as families:
Biscuits Recipe – (24 biscuits)
200g melted coconut oil*
200g soft brown sugar or honey
400g ‘free from’ plain flour*
A few drops of vanilla extract
1.5 teaspoons cinnamon.
Mix all the flour, sugar and cinnamon together, then add the melted coconut oil and vanilla extract (if you need a bit more flour, add now). Then roll the dough into small balls (1 tablespoon of dough per biscuit). Place on a greased oven tray and flatten. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees fan/ 200 conventional for about 10 minutes. Allow to cool on a tray a bit before transferring as very crumbly when hot.
*Organic butter and regular plain flour can be used if making for home. The above recipe offers an inclusive experience that is dairy and gluten free.
Herbal Tea or Warm Juice
Add tsp cinnamon, 0.5 tsp star anise, 4 cloves, orange slices and lemon slices to apple or orange juice and heat until warm and fragrant.