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Class 11 Masquerade Ceilidh

Class 11 invites you to a ceilidh evening on Friday, March 14th. The ceilidh will feature traditional Scottish and Irish music and dances.


Book Ceilidh Tickets



Dinner element of event cancelled

Class 11’s traditional Burns Supper & ceilidh had to be postponed due to Storm Éowyn.  Now, instead of a supper, there will be a variety of tasty food and snacks available for purchase at the ceilidh, as well as a Tombola with lots of amazing prizes. Come join us for an amazing event!

Note: for those of you who have already purchased tickets that incorporated the supper, you will be reimbursed on 19th March, and will be changed to a Ceilidh Only ticket (£5). If you are unable to attend this event, please contact the Class by email by Monday, 10th March to arrange for a full reimbursement. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and we thank you very much for your patience and support!