Tue February 4, 2025

The ancient festival of Candlemas on Sunday 2nd February is the halfway point between the shortest day of the year and the spring equinox.
Many traditions exist around this festival. It was the day of the year when all the candles, that were used in the church over the following year, were brought into the church to be blessed. It is the festival day or ’mass’ of the candle.
Farmers need their feed stores to be half full as there still remains half the winter.
We all know the story of groundhog day: She gets a fright if she sees her shadow when stepping out on Candlemas day so runs back into her borrow for the second half of the winter. She relaxes if no shadow is to be seen and thinks spring is on its way.
Edinburgh Steiner School traditionally celebrates Candlemas with making and lighting an earth candle with the younger pupils.