Ascension Walk
Thu May 29, 2025
8.45am - 10am

Ascension, to Christians, marks 40 days after Easter’s resurrection and the rise of Jesus to heaven. To our school it marks the day when we feel like a whole unit. We play, laugh, eat and ascend Craiglockhart hill in the morning together at a time when summer is beckoning and the Upper School pupils take a well deserved break from exam studies.
It is a time when we can experience a reunion of the earth with the cosmos, a time when we can recognise signs of heavenly forces here on the earth and as the earth breathes out into summer, so our consciousness can begin to expand. It is a time when we can receive the revelation that the earth’s living forces have been renewed for the benefit of the whole of humanity.
The quality of experience of this festival is more accessible to the older pupils; though Lower School pupils join on the walk.