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Class 9 Guardian Announced

We are delighted to report that Peter Sheen has been appointed to the post of Guardian for next year’s Class 9.

Peter has taught movement and art at our school since 2018 when he and his family moved here from the United States. A former pupil of Michael Hall in Sussex, Peter is an experienced Waldorf educator, having taught at several other Steiner schools on both sides of the Atlantic.

Peter is fully involved in school life. He is an active member of the College of Teachers, and of the PTA. He runs After-School Clubs and holiday clubs and, as a gifted singer, he had led a number of initiatives to establish choral groups among staff and pupils.

Peter’s deep understanding of the Steiner curriculum, combined with his commitment to the welfare of young people make him an ideal person to guide this Class on the next stage of their journey.

“I am now well into my 7th year teaching here at ESS. By dint of my various roles in the School, I have been afforded the privilege of teaching and coaching across a wide range of age groups. I value greatly that I have been able to work with this sense of continuity not only in the realm of Movement and Physical Education but also teaching Art in the Middle School. As I recall from my own experience, moving from the Lower School, Class Teacher led years into the Upper School where a Guardian takes up the reins is a significant and important milestone and brings many changes.


I am very excited and feel honoured to be able to step into this new position with present Class 8, the Class of 2028! I feel I have a positive and good connection with this group of young people and I have been thinking about them and observing them, as well as teaching them, with a renewed interest for a while now. For me the time feels right to undertake this journey with them. I hope and trust that we will have fun, that we will work hard individually and work harder together. That we will make time for play and create magic along the way.


I also look forward to working with the parents and families of this Class, so that we may forge strong bonds, build bridges, value and serve our Class community within this special setting that is our school.


With gratitude for this unique opportunity”


Peter Sheen