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‘Extremism’ play

Presented by the Upper School Drama Club and directed by Andrea Cabrera Luna and James Cumming.


In the School Hall on Thursday 1st February at 2pm for pupils and 7pm for friends, family and the Waldorf community.



Poster by Jack and Ella (Class 10)


Please note: This play is appropriate for Class 7 upwards. Some racist and strong language, topics discussed such as racism and terrorism, and some physical assault issues are addressed.


Photographs of the evening performance were captured and shared with the School by photographer and parent, Joe Tree:

This was a play to shock people. It’s intense, dramatic and some could say controversial. However I strongly believe that is what theatre is about. It’s important to show the students these vital issues like terrorism and racism that are really happening out there in the real world. I wanted the students to come out the play changed, and to think/talk about what they’ve seen; too really start thinking about the issues the play shows. Plus, it’s set in a school which makes it topical and relevant. It plants a seed in their head and gives them an important perspective on the world. I also think the actors enjoyed doing a play that felt closer to them since it was set in modern day and they were playing teenagers”.
James Cumming