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Variations by Pupils & Alumni

Pupils from Classes 9 and 10 to perform Variations to Classes 7 upwards on Thursday 6th October during the school day, with two more evening productions for the wider school community and public on the following Friday and Saturday.


It is about a girl who re-lives the same morning again and again but every morning something significant has changed. It is a modern, diverse, funny play about teenage life and appreciating what you have. The characters are all teenagers too so they are playing their ages.


Directed by former pupil, James Cumming, the lighting has been designed by alumnus, Jack Harris.


James and the pupils started to get together and form an Upper School Performing Drama Group last term on the back of the Class 8 Play, where he collaborated with Class Teacher Nick Brett as Co Directors. It is hoped this is the first play of many.


Poster designed by Bella in Class 10.


Photo credits: Joe Tree