Baby & Child First Aid Workshop
Wed June 22, 2022
The School will be hosting a 2-hour First Aid workshop for teenagers in Class 7’s classroom.
Delivered by multi award-winning Mini First Aid, this training would perfectly suit pupils in Class 7 upwards interested in offering babysitting duties to younger children. Course tutor, Lyndsey Anderson, is fully qualified in First Aid Training and a Level 3 Teacher qualification. She is also a midwife and mum of two.
The course will cover how to prevent and respond to emergencies and deliver basic first aid to babies and young children: getting help, dealing with a baby or child who is unresponsive and breathing and one that is unresponsive and not breathing. Also meningitis awareness, safe sleeping, burns, breaks, bleeds, febrile convulsions, head bumps and choking. Participants will get a Certificate of Attendance on completion. This Certificate can accompany your membership to The Steiner Pupils Babysitter Club.
Maximum 15 spaces: Book
Please note: Class 7’s classroom is a nuts-, seeds- and egg-free classroom. Severe Allergy Policy (2021)