An Invitation To Our Community Christmas Market
October 29 2024

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Of the 800+ subscribers to our small school’s weekly newsletter, many of you are former pupils, teachers, parents and even grandparents staying in touch. Below includes all the normal heads up for the week ahead on campus, as well as a nostalgic request to those who are no longer enrolled.
As November approaches, so too does our annual Christmas Market, taking place on Saturday 23rd November.
We warmly invite all past, present and future members of our community to join us on the day as we mark the coming of advent.
The market is also an opportunity to showcase the work, the talents and the energy of our community – which of course includes our alumni! (former parents, grandparents and staff that includes you too, of course).
As you will undoubtedly remember, each Class cohort roll up their sleeves and take on an element of our wonderful Christmas Market, bringing this magical festive event to fruition, from Our Seedlings and Kindergarten offering King Winter, Pocket Lady and Puppet Shows in the Early Years gardens, with Gingerbread at the gate; Class 7 hosting the Viennese Cafe, Class 8 continuing their Pizza Project servign Clay-baked Organic Pizzas, Class 10 rustling up the BBQ, Class 3 serving Curry and a selection of Soups, Class 9 making Waffles; to Class 5 serving Mulled Wine & Spiced Apple Juice; Class 11 putting on the Fairground Games; a school Tombola and Raffle; ESS staff will be behind the Waldorf Calanders, Candles & Cards and Waldorf Stationery stalls, Waldorf Crafts (3D Hanging Stars, Window Paper Stars, Wreath Making); and our final year pupils are overseeing the Marshmallow Fire Pit and nostalgic favorite of staple crafts, Beeswax Candle Dipping.
This whole event, welcoming some 2,000 people through the school gates, comes together under the wing of Class 4 parents each year, who take care of the Raffle, Sweet Stall, planning the layout, events programs, ordering, ticketing, signage, external Independent Stalls, finance, and of course project-managing all of us!
We would warmly welcome help from members of our community who can lend a hand. Individual classes can be contacted above. Alternatively, if you would like to perform on our event stage, host a storytelling session, or have crafted items you would be willing to donate to our community market stall or a raffle item we would be grateful for any help you can offer.
Please get in touch:
Our community rota will circulate soon. In the meantime, please use the dedicated email address above for all things Christmas Market. We will be seeking volunteers in the areas of campus decoratiion and greenery supply, marquees & stalls set up, Counting Room, first aid, raffle ticket selling, and returnign the campus to a school, ready for Monday.
Read the full weekly ezine here: Tuesday Notice
News pieces:
School calendar dates
Management Surgeries
TONIGHT: Parent & Teacher Association AGM
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The Wee Hours – Help The Homeless
How You Can Help Spread The Word!
Christmas Market Bulletin #5
An Invitation To Our Community Christmas Market