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Class 12 Perform Play Adapted By Their Teacher

Class 12 will put on three performances of their play, an adaptation of the Cinderella screenplay by Drama Teacher and Class 12 Guardian, Hester Machin.

The first performance will be on the evening of Thursday 27th June at 7pm, followed by a performance to peers from Classes 6 upwards on Friday afternoon. Pupils in After School Club until 3.15pm will have the opportunity to attend the play (Book in for Friday 28th  here). The final viewing will be at 7pm that evening.

The play is suitable for all ages. Doors for the public evening performances will open at 6.45pm. Exit by donation, with proceeds going towards Class 12’s School Trip.

Invite friends by sharing the poster below.

Poster (PDF)

Read the full weekly ezine here: Tuesday Notice

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Class 12 Perform Play Adapted By Their Teacher
