Final Year Pupils Host ‘Dia de los Muertos’ Fundraiser
October 3 2023

Running a fundraising event can provide numerous learning benefits for pupils: leadership; responsibility; hospitality; accountability; creativity; marketing; organisational, financial and problem-solving skills. Read on about Class 12’s Halloween Ceilidh below.
Each year, Class 12 families host the Halloween Ceilidh on campus as a Class fundraiser towards the pupils’ final School Trip. “This year Class 12 have chosen to visit Northern Italy”, says Class Guardian, Hester Machin, continueing: “They hope to secure accommodation in Milan so that they can explore Milan, Turin, Lake Como and Lake Garda along with medieval towns, castles, Art galleries and museums. Please support their fundraising efforts by coming along to the Halloween Ceilidh!”
This is an opportunity for the Class and their families to work together to offer an event to the School Calendar that both enriches the Steiner Waldorf community and benefits the pupils and their families, making the ~£20k excursion affordable for the whole class to attend. Additionally, it is a bonding opportunity for the organisers. Furthermore, the learning opportinities beyond the classroom help them develop essential life skills that are transferable beyond fundraisers:
Pupils can learn to delegate tasks, motivate team members, make decisions in the lead up to the event and as it unfolds.
Entrusted with making the event, and people’s enjoyment of Halloween, a success, a sense of accomplishment can be felt by the pupils, seeing their efforts translate into both meeting the fundraising outcome and bringing fun on campus after school hours to peers and their families. 230 people are putting their trust in the Class to offer a vibrant ceilidh with a Day of the Dead twist.
Customer service, effective communication and interpersonal skills shape attendees’ experience of the event across an age spectrum of young children to adults, from a welcoming demeanor to salvaging potential dissatisfaction when things don’t go to plan.
Being accountable to a group effort gives Class 12 a sense of cause and effect. When pupils understand they are accountable for their actions, they understand they have a choice to make and they have the power to create the end result. They can experience the important of being accountable to one’s own self, to their classmates, the School, those who invest resources of time and money in coming along to the event and beyond.
Following the Class’s decision to adopt a Mexican Day of the Dead Twist, the poster this year was then created by Class 12 parent, Amanda Bettam. Decorating the School Hall and designing the Haunted House offer more scope for creative flair; not to mention overcoming challenges on the way.
Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective messaging and communication. Creating a compelling and persuasive campaign that highlights the event’s appeal is essential. Utilising various marketing channels available within budget such as social media, email marketing and traditional advertising such as posters, can help reach a wider audience, create conversation around it, and ultimately maximise the potential to raise funds.
Pupils and thier parents / carers take on various roles that meet and challenge them so as to plan and execute the event. The experience of setting goals and deadlines teaches them how to manage their time effectively, think critically and find solutions. It involves collaboration, where fostering positive relationships and a sense of belonging creates a supportive and inclusive environment.
Naturally, raising funds involves a great lesson in economics from ticket prices to the outlay on prizes, decoration and the buffet, balanced with what is deliverable with the resources available. The effort that goes into the event provides an opportunity for the pupils to understand the value of an earned pound; and assess whether what it is being spent on still holds its worth with this deeper perspective. Fundraising gives children a real time example of how working hard and earning/saving money can result in a big payoff.
Idenitfying and analysing challenges, brainstorming creative solutions, evaluating options and making informed decisions are all excercised when running an event. pupils must be able to adapt to unexpected situations, troubleshoot issues and find innovative ways to overcome obstables in order to ensure the evening runs well.
Come and experience the fruits of Class 12’s labour. Enjoy an evening of fun, with plenty of scope for dressing up & carving pumpkins – competitions for both on the night.
Roland Fraser will provide the excellent fiddling tunes for all to dance to.
This was a sold out event last year. Once again, tickets have been limited to 230 people.
Once in, get thrilled by the Haunted House. And have your photograph taken in full attire with your friends. (Please note, tickets for each are limited to 40).
All children up to Class 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Read the full Tuesday Notice here: Edinburgh Steiner School’s weekly ezine
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Final Year Pupils Host ‘Dia de los Muertos’ Fundraiser
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