A New Beginning For An Old School
September 5 2023

ESS celebrates its 85th anniversary this academic year. The appointment of a Transition Manager marks a poignant step as we evolve from a founding flat-management structure towards appointing a Head of School.
At the beginning of August, the Board of Trustees invited long-serving teacher and management member, Nick Brett, to lead Edinburgh Steiner School in the transformational year ahead, with the intention of appointing a Head of School by the academic year 2024/25. Nick’s current role incorporates the role of interim Education Manager, whilst Helen Newton is the newly formed Operations Manager.
For years we have had a system of new appointments to the School management that relied on teachers coming forward to be part of the team. Recently the numbers of volunteering teachers has come to a stand-still and yet we continued to expect management team members to have a teaching load and further responsibilities. Obviously it became clear that this was not sustainable, especially in these changing times”, Chair of Trustees, Mike Palmer wrote, continuing:
The Board of Trustees envisage this post serving the whole school community, including pupils, staff and of course parents. We would like the School to be more agile, rigorous and timely in listening and responding to the various needs and concerns that naturally arise in any educational institution”, Chair of Trustees, Mike Parmer noted in initial coommunication with parents. “One of the drivers of this appointment is to lay the foundations for a senior management team. This can not be done single-handedly and we are confident the school community will work together to enable the School to transition smoothly into the future.”
Mr Brett adds:
The analogy of the team of managers fighting through the debris to find the hidden castle, working extremely hard but unable to see where they are heading because the debris just keeps getting in the way, is useful to describe the Transition Manager’s role. We need someone calling the direction.
The School is calling for someone to give leadership which can direct the energy, pull things together, change the ethos, make an impact and above all be accountable. The role will also need empathy and understanding and an ability to listen. In other words to transition the School from everyone doing everything to a place of a dedicated senior management team that keeps the eye on the whole school in its entirety, is accountable and responsible, has time to respond but also time to dare to dream on the School’s behalf.”
Read the full Tuesday Notice here: Edinburgh Steiner School’s weekly ezine
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Baby and Toddler Groups
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A New Beginning For An Old School
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