Pupils Witness Lambs Being Born On Farm
March 28 2023

As part of Class 3’s Farming Main Lesson, the pupils revisited Garvald Home Farm on Thursday.
Previously they harvested potatoes, carrots and onions on a biodynamic Root Day. Now it is lambing season. The Class watched three lambs coming into the world, delivered by teacher Mr Brett, and a farm colleague; before many of the children cuddled and stroked the fledgling animals.
The children prepared the ground and seeded the soil with grass & barley (taking turns to use a hand-ploughed to give a flavour of farm work without help).
A day at the farm is not complete without a tractor ride for a bit of fun, under a rainbow!
Photos below taken by accompanying parent, Szymon Szyszczakiewicz of Foragerium and edited by Ms Marlena Cierpial