Guinness World Records Champion Visits Pupils
November 21 2022

The dreich weather didn’t dampen the spirits of the Lower School pupils who gathered in the School Hall to meet Jason Auld on Thursday.
A three times Guinness World Records entrant, who is training for a fourth, demonstrated his unicycle repertoire of skills and spoke about how he fell into the profession of working for GWR.
His achievements so far are:
- fastest 4x50m hurdles on unicycles;
- heaviest overhead press on a unicycle;
- highest box jump from a unicycle;
Some 20 pupils brought along their unicycles, and others grabbed the School’s ones, to showcase the skills they are building up through the Circus Skills Clubs.
It was very uplifting to see the kids given facilities and opportunities that enable them to try Unicycling and progress with their peers.When I started Unicycling, my only opportunity to ride with others was at competitions and events, so it very much was a solo pursuit. I was very determined and motivated in my riding from the start and while I do think there are benefits to have a personal practise, independent of others, it goes without saying that being part of a team, club or community will always encourage faster progression, whether that be through competition or just because they enjoy their time together and as a result, end up practising more. It’s always nice to share something your passionate about with friends.Jason Auld
Jason will be returning next term to offer a unicycling workshop to the pupils.