Upper School Exam Results 2022
August 9 2022

Many congratulations to pupils throughout the Upper School who are receiving their SQA exam results.
In April and May of this year, pupils in Classes 10-12 completed the first diet of ‘external’ (SQA-set and assessed) exams since 2019. This is therefore another unique year, with some results qualifying for an appeal – a process which can take several months. A full and detailed account of the final results will therefore be published in the School’s annual Standards & Quality report in January 2023.
The pre-appeal results were very good overall, with particularly strong performances in the departments of art, sciences and languages.
This year’s raw pass rate (A-C) for Edinburgh Steiner School (ESS) Higher results was 86.7%. The national pass rate (A-C) was significantly lower (78.9%). The pass rate for results at ESS, in line with the national trend, have fallen compared to last year, which was expected. However, a third of all ESS Higher results were graded ‘A’.
Advanced Higher results (Art & Design) were outstanding, with 100% of the five candidates achieving an ‘A’ grade. Of the 13 presentations for National 4, all candidates passed.
The pre-appeal ESS pass rate (A-C) for National 5 was 88.6%, a strong result historically and well above the national pass rate of 80.8%. Over three quarters of National 5 grades were ‘A’ and ‘B’.
A number of pupils at both Higher and National 5 achieved the coveted string of ‘straight As’.
All these results are a rich reward for all the hard work and commitment demonstrated by Upper School pupils and their teachers during what has been yet another challenging year.
GCSE results will be released later this month.
Alistair Pugh, SQA Coordinator
ESS does not select on academic ability and there is no entrance exam. Our curriculum ensures that irrespective of exam choices, pupils receive a broad education which encompasses science, the arts, crafts, languages and humanities through the Main Lesson Programme, unique to Steiner Waldorf education.
Pupils here start formal learning at ESS in their seventh year – up to 2.5 years later than mainstream P1.
Our Upper School perform well above the national average academically, benefiting from exam subject ratios of between 5-8 pupils to one teacher.
Academic excellence allows our young people ‘lift-off’, but it is our creative approach to learning which really encourages them to fly. Exam results for previous years can be viewed below: