Class 12’s Around The World In 80 Days Radio Play broadcast by BBC
July 3 2020

In a time where a global pandemic ceased almost all travel, Class 12 took on a worldwide adventure without the need for leaving the home with their radio play Around The World In 80 Days, planned, produced and rehearsed remotely from makeshift individual studios under duvet covers and in wardrobe cupboards; recorded on smartphones.
The Class 12 play would normally be performed in our wonderful School hall with an audience full of friends and family. Instead, the incredible feat broadcast out to the School community on 29th June through our school website. Today it was broadcast by BBC Scotland.
The show must go on” is one of the great ideas in the world of theatre, that whatever happens the customer must be catered for. However covid lockdown makes that impossible. Or does it? Good Morning Scotland’s David Allison’s been hearing how one group of budding thespians made it happen.
Listen to the BBC broadcast.
The full play is available to listen (or re-listen) to here: Around The World In 80 Days.