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April 15 2019

It is safe to say that the school production of Oliver Twist did not disappoint.
Edinburgh Steiner School pupils of a wide range of ages came together to take part in a performance of this classic which was highly anticipated. How special it is to see our young scholars taking to the stage in such a way, as their creative talents blossom individually and as a group, bringing fantastic entertainment to our school and parent community.
The whole production was the result of tremendous effort from all involved, including many hours put in the cast who worked hard rehearsing lines, scenes and songs which could be heard throughout the school as a tuneful teaser to get us all excited. Not to mention, our dedicated staff who gave up their spare time to coordinate, direct, provide the live music, the lighting, the beautiful backdrop, props and the marvellous costumes. All participants did exceptionally, especially the main characters who performed their solo songs and scenes with notable confidence, skill and style. Perhaps we have some budding stars in the making?
With responses including “Glorious”, “Impressive” and calls for a production like this to reoccur every year – we have certainly been left with a taste for more.
This was all brought together at a very busy time of year with exams and end of term workloads. A massive thank you and well done to all involved!
Pictured – Jacob, Class 11 as Mr. Bumble (left) & Luca, Class 6 as Oliver (right)